250mg CBD Chill Gummies

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  • Regular price $30.00
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Our Delicious USDA Certified Organic Gummies Help keep CBD levels in the body at a therapeutic level and keep you relaxed all day long.

It's important to make CBD part of your daily wellness routine and these gummies are a great solution.

Our gummies help with keeping the body in balance while ensuring a long lasting relaxing effects.  

Start with one piece and wait 30 minutes and decide if you would like another based upon desired effects, and level of sleep therapy needed. There is no max dose on these gummies eat as many as you'd like. Be prepared to get very sleepy at high dosages, 3 pieces or more. 

These gummies also help to stimulate , a healthy appetite for food, which helps those with appetite issues. Especially at higher doses . 

Do Not Drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming 3 or more pieces at once. 

20mg CBD and 5mg CBN per piece 

Total milligrams in the bag: 250 MG